Amy's Victory Dance (2020) | Global Health Film
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Amy's Victory Dance (2020)

Directed by Brian Thomas, 86 mins

UK Premiere

01 May, 2009. Amy Jordan, a former professional dancer, crosses the street and is run over by a 15-ton New York City express bus, pinning her under the wheel. As she regains awareness, she has no feeling on the right side of her body. Her first thought: "Am I ever going to dance again?" Her second thought "If I survive the night, there will be a Victory Dance." Amy's right leg is completely crushed.

The first hospital wants to amputate but Amy demands a second opinion. She is transferred to New York Presbyterian Hospital’s burn unit where she is literally rebuilt undergoing 18 surgeries during which she experiences cardiac trauma, a severe bacterial infection in her bones all leading up to thousands of hours of rehabilitation.

This documentary chronicles Amy's triumphant path back to the stage after the near loss of her life and her right leg and embodies the physical, emotional, and spiritual journey of a woman who doesn’t allow her circumstances to dictate her life. We watch her manage her diabetes daily, navigate through New York City as a legally blind woman, and painstakingly maintain her rehabilitation. You will be inspired by her determination, witty humor, spirit, and sincere heart.

The panel discussion after the screening was moderated by film-maker and journalist Carol Nahra. Carol was joined by Amy Jordan, protagonist, and Brian Thomas, director Amy Victory's Dance. Here's the replay:

Brian Thomas' website

Global Health Film is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1179829 and company number 10436509. Registered address: 10 Queen Street Place, London, EC4R 1BE
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